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SQSWrite Node

The SQSWrite Node gets elements or entire objects to the input Ports, composes JSON objects, serializes JSON messages, connects to AWS SQS PubSub service, publishes JSON messages to a Queue.

SQSWrite Node
SQSWrite Node

The following parameters should be specified to configure the SQSWrite Node:

  • AWS access key id
  • Queue name
  • Region name
  • Encrypted AWS Secret Access Key

Sign in to your AWS SQS Control plane.

AWS access key id and Encrypted AWS Secret Access Key should be generated in the

Identity and Access Management (IAM)Security credentials section.


Don't share Security credentials with anyone. Node editor encrypts Security credentials before saving. Nobody except you has access to your Security credentials.

Queue name and Region name can be found in the

Amazon SQSQueues section.

The SQSWrite Node can get an entire JSON message to the empty input Port or specified elements.

Click the + button in the sidebar to add more input Ports.